Garden of Remembrance - Ballinamuck

Memorial, Garden of Remembrance, Ballinamuck
The Garden of Remembrance was opened in 1998 on the site of the old court house to commemorate the bicentenary of the Battle of Ballinamuck on 8 September 1798. Following on the Irish Rebellion of 1798, a French invasion force landed near Killala in County Mayo on August 22, hoping to join forces with Irish rebels. After some initial successes, the French force of about 1000 men were confronted by overwhelmingly greater numbers of British troops at Ballinamuck and shortly surrendered.
An Irish irregular force, including Irish deserters from the British army, continued to fight on and suffered heavy casualties. Whereas the French prisoners were treated honourably and repatriated, some 200 Irish including their General George Blake were hanged as traitors.

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